Technical Specifications
Autex Composition® is an acoustic wall covering available in a range of colours. Typically applied in vertical drops like wallpaper, Composition creates a surface that is pin and velcro receptive. Composition is a durable and flexible polyester wall covering that replaces the need to paint, and is easily maintained to look amazing for a long time. Beyond all that, it creates incredible learning environments by reducing and managing the reverberation in the room, resulting in a much more peaceful space for students to learn. But it isn’t just students that benefit, Composition is great for any working space. And because not all spaces are the same we’ve given you creative freedom. We can cut Composition to any shape, creating something as unique as each one of us.
ASTM G21-15 Growth Rating: 0
(No growth) Composition does not promote the growth of moulds and mildew.
Polyester fibre when exposed to an atmosphere of 50˚C at 90% relative humidity for four days showed moisture absorption of less than 0.03% by weight. Polyester is not affected by moisture and will not rot or deteriorate in intended use situations.
Blot any spills from fabric quickly. Wipe with a damp cloth. Avoid rubbing and excessive amounts of water as this will affect the finish. Use carpet or upholstery shampoo as directed. Blot with a clean dry cloth after each application of solution.
Available colours:
Wasabi, Lime, Jade, Granny Smith, Avocado, Spearmint, Sage, Azure, Emerald, Octane, Sapphire, Stonewash, Stately, Atlantis, Electric Blue, Porcelain, Ink, Lightsout, Charcoal, Noir, Raspberry, Brilliant Orange, Citrus, Cinder, Blazing Red, Simba, Clay, Bark, Theatre, Chilli Red, Vintage, Koala, Phantom, Calypso, Myst, Silver, Blush, Fawn, Sanz, Civic.
ISO 9705: 1993
Classification: Group 1-S Smoke Production Rate: <5.0m2/s As required by NZBC C/VM2
AS ISO 9705 – 2003
Classification: Group 1 (SMOGRARC): <100m2/s2 Assessed using methodology AS ISO 9705:2003 in accordance with AS 5637.1:2015, as required by BCA Specification C1.10-4 FI 4894 dated 6th June, 2012 and FAR 4055-2 dated 8th October, 2013
B – s1, d0 Report 189053 dated 7th December, 2009
ASTM E84 – 14
Class A, FS:5 – SD:25 Report RJ3297-9R1 dated 17th March, 2015